Participatory and collaborative artistic processes in the cultural districts of Bordeaux and Nantes


  • Natalia Juan García Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Jesús Pedro Lorente Lorente Universidad de Zaragoza
Keywords: cultural districts, urban boosters, participative/collaborative art practices, public space


This paper analyses the burgeoning impulse, in the main cultural districts of Bordeaux and Nantes, of participative and collaborative art practices. Such adjectives are not synonymous but, true enough, it is sometimes difficult to differentiate these two categories of relational art; moreover, co-working spaces could literally be considered another kind of collaboration process. All in all, beyond terminology matters, the aim of this essay is to point out the flourishing of combined official and community-based initiatives. A model of arts-led urban revitalisation seeking greater involvement of the local ecosystem shaping a “cultural district”, as alternative to the paradigm of the singular institutional trigger worldly identified with the Guggenheim-Bilbao. Nowadays there are many counter-examples in Bilbao and in French cities on the Bay of Biscay.


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How to Cite
Juan García, N., & Lorente Lorente, J. P. (2021). Participatory and collaborative artistic processes in the cultural districts of Bordeaux and Nantes. Art and Identity Policies, 25(25), 205–224.

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