Sound art and the public sphere in Germany: the case of bonn hoeren


  • Marina Hervás Muñóz Universidad de Granada
Keywords: sound art, Klangkunst, Bonn Hoeren, Germany, urban politics


In this text, some of the fundamental problems of the notion of the public sphere are outlined in relation to how sound art has been conceived in Germany; that is, primarily as an art to be "seen and heard". Bonn Hoeren festival is taken as an element of analysis, a groundbreaking project that, among other actions, consist in the annual invitation since 2010 of a sound artist to carry out a residency in the city and present an installation project that dialogues with architectural and urban planning aspects. The aim is to present alternative ways of relating to the city, its history and aesthetic perception, based on the assumption that all forms of perception regulate and articulate ways of understanding one's own experience. Bonn Hoeren is thus included in a series of proposals linked to the intervention in urban space based on sound, in order to reconfigure the experience of its inhabitants, which is generally marked in a significant way by the visual. To conclude, the ways in which it is possible to generate an archive of ephemeral materials are examined, as well as a follow-up of the impact of the proposals developed in Bonn.


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How to Cite
Hervás Muñóz, M. (2021). Sound art and the public sphere in Germany: the case of bonn hoeren. Art and Identity Policies, 25(25), 163–180. Retrieved from

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