Collaborative cultural practices and weak sociality. A characterization from self-managed experiences in Tijuana and Monterrey, Mexico
Although research on collaborative artistic projects and practices tend to emphasize the social ties and even the production of communities that they enact, normally, this very research does not pay attention to the singularity of the forms of sociality produced. This article engages in a double task –namely, a theoretical definition and an analytical application– derived from the fieldwork undertaken in the Mexican cities of Tijuana and Monterrey by means of which we developed the notion of “weak sociality” to name the modes of relationships produced by cultural actors from civil society enrolled in independent spaces or projects. We hold that the sociality these strategies produce is conflictive, ephemeral, spatially bound and affective. Both, our theoretical stance as well as our fieldwork findings will make us conclude that the relationships produced in this microspaces –where conflict is productive, ephemerality means open ended negotiations and affect implies care– work as an unavoidable process for the politicization of artistic collaborative practice in the neoliberal city.
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