Collaborative Art and Cultural Districts. Revisiting some sources
The reflection on the collaborative calls for a review of the contemporary roots of the concept (Kropotkin) and its development (Ostrom). It is the core of our study. Another section is dedicated to some theorists of Cultural Districts (Sacco, Ferilli) who seem to make possible the passage from the "isolated one-subject" to the "we-working together-collective", reviewing their level of differentiation. The objectives of the study are: to characterize the scope of the collaborative through its sources; select some of the main notions of the collaborative universe; revisit them highlighting features provided; point out aspects of the current theory of the Districts, in order to the compatibility or discrepancy with the collaborative. The theoretical focus of the research calls for a methodology based on the management of the legacy of knowledge that supports collaborative actions, as well as the development of cultural districts. Sequencing supposes rereading in historical development of source texts of key, founding and current collaborative theories; selection of fragments that characterize the identifying notions; choice of theorists of Cultural Districts that allow a suitable analysis with respect to objectives; critical presentation of the theoretical aspects of compatibility or disparity from the theory of Districts, in relation to the collaborative world.
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