Counter-maps of the "Camino". Memories of the way of living
The following article highlights the importance of educating in the context and in common life for the construction of a collective memory, reestablishing identity bonds, preserving the past of our communities and reformulating the present. Through the educational project Contramapas del Camino. Memories of the way of living, carried out in different rural contexts belonging to the Camino de Santiago, we propose a series of artistic actions and methodologies that involve the inhabitants in the processes of recovery of memory linked to these places. This project, developed by the Didactics of Visual Expression Department of the University of Santiago de Compostela, is part of the O teu Xacobeo programme promoted and financed by the Xunta de Galicia. The main objective is to empower and make more visible the role of Artistic Education and creative processes as tools of analysis in the development of interdisciplinary proposals. The panels presented as Cartografías de la Memoria Popular (Cartographies of Popular Memory), synthesize the graphic-visual documentation generated from the different workshops and from the productions and narratives analyzed.
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