Access to the past in a fast-paced-society
After the warlike events that devastated the world during the 20th century, specifically, from 1980, interest and the theoretical approach on the past and memory increased. Starting from this, the question to be dealt with in the present work is: what characteristics does our present have and how this determines some forms of access to the past. To then ask ourselves about the relationship that is established with memorials, that is, to what extent the context or conditions of the subject mediate his relationship with memory.
Since the reflection on memory can be conditioned by the characteristics of our context: social acceleration. The approach that a subject belonging to the generations furthest away from what happened in the twentieth century may have differs greatly from the relationship that those who experienced the event or the consequences can have in a more immediate way. For this reason, we must ask ourselves: Have we - especially the younger generations - turned memory and knowledge into external objects to turn to and thus not carry the weight and be able to adapt to the current context? These objects that carry memory and knowledge, such as images, the internet, or memorials, etc. Are they only under a logic of immediate consumption? Or is it the most enhanced type of use? What relationship do we establish with the memorials? Monuments created in order to remember.
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