The ‘silent apocalypse’ of contemporary art as transforming devices of consciousness for the repair of a degraded ecological memory


  • Ricardo González-García Universidad de Cantabria
Keywords: Contemporary Art, Memory, Device, Conciousness, Ecological memory, Silent Apocalypse


As a symbolic gathering of conscience, every great artwork is a silent apocalypse that, with its significant impressions or interactions, can transform the social structure. Transfiguring the world through its spaces of representation, it is capable of acquiring a prophetic capacity that denounces situations in order to, as in the specific case offered here; restore the balance of ecosystems degraded by the footprint that human beings have printed on them. This same anthropocenic imprint, sponsored by the idea of progress that confers the utopia of unlimited growth proposed by the capitalist system, paradoxically could lead the human being to attend the end of his own species. For this reason, part of contemporary art has been extremely concerned about raising awareness in society and, thus, curbing the arrival of a catastrophic future scenario. Due to the urgency of this pressing situation, we complaints various complaints established in artistic practices to change the attitude of its spectators. To do this, we proposed two aspects here: that of works that show dystopian scenarios and that of other more activists which try to tackle the situation from specific environments.


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How to Cite
González-García, R. (2020). The ‘silent apocalypse’ of contemporary art as transforming devices of consciousness for the repair of a degraded ecological memory. Art and Identity Policies, 23(23), 230–246.