Gender and memory: The family album as an autobiographical mark


  • Simón Arrebola-Parras Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: Gender, Memory, Family Album, Autobiography, postmemory


On this paper we would like to show how memory, in any of its varieties, forms an essential part of current artistic discourse and practice. For this, we will focus on the importance of autobiographical narration and its manifestation from the works of artists who work around the family album. We will analyze how this type of photographic archive has been used and reconfigured by artists who have wanted to express their own experiences from a gender perspective. Personal memory interacts with narratives that concern collective memory, where the hegemonic stories that have come down to us have tried to silence these stories. However, art has given voice to themes such as the body and female sexuality, experiences derived from diseases such as cancer or trauma suffered by relatives of dictatorships in certain contemporary societies and which have led to the application of concepts such as postmemory.


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How to Cite
Arrebola-Parras, S. (2020). Gender and memory: The family album as an autobiographical mark. Art and Identity Policies, 23(23), 12–35.