Virtual Reality and Art

Concepts, Techniques, Past and Present


  • Águeda Simó Departamento de Comunicación y Arte, Facultad de Artes y Letras. Universidad de Beira Interior
Keywords: Virtual Reality, Artworks, VR Installations, VR Artists


Virtual Reality (VR) art can be traced back to the 1990s, whenthe first VR systems were commercialized. However, the art exploration of this technology was limited due to the high costs and technical difficulties to create and exhibit VR artworks. In the second decade of the 21st century, VR has experienced a renaissance partly because of the technological advances in computer graphics and physical interfaces and the reduction of their cost. All these factors have revitalized the use of VR in the arts by facilitating the creation and exhibition of artworks.


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How to Cite
Simó, Águeda. (2019). Virtual Reality and Art: Concepts, Techniques, Past and Present. Art and Identity Policies, 20, 131–146.