The Body from a Subjectivity of Progress in the New Anthropocene Epoch
The evolution of the concept of the individual body / social body, specifically from modernity, industrialization and the current implementation of technologies, leads us to a vision of the human subject in a continuum of ‘egotistic’ progress as well as its corresponding repercussions in the totality of its natural environment. According to some scientific, it is necessary to consider the possibility of a new geology era:the Anthropocene.
The idea of the automaton body persists in our Western imaginary. It is also remarkable that the body is proposed as a machine and not as a natural object, an issue not without consequences, when exercising activities with / on the body and on its vital space. The new technologies offer the possibility of overcoming the limits imposed by our biological inheritance in a sort of explicit desire to accept neither our past, nor our natural-organic origin, in the face of self-improvement and modification in a system of progress Ad infinitum. In this sense, an important series of thinkers, scientists and artists have produced new approaches of the body as something completely obsolete, as an empty shell that must be abandoned to technologically give way to the next level in the human evolution: the Techno Sapiens or the Cyborg. It calls for the object of study of anthropology goes from human being to cyborg, considered as a more suitable representative of our present, and above all, of our future, with all its positive and negative consequences. At the same time in the realm of art, some figures who want to represent this techno-evolution have appeared such as Stelar, Marcel·lí Antúnez, Carlos Corpa, among others.
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