Circular Beauty

An approach to sustainability aesthetics for the Capitalocen


  • José Luis Albelda Raga Universitat Politécnica de Valencia
Keywords: Aesthetics, Circularity, Capitalocene, Biocene, Sustainability, Ecology


Aesthetics are not independent of the time in which they are located, nor of the ideology they support or answer; on the contrary, they can become a very important vector that facilitates changes in the worldview, as we have seen in the sociopolitical revolutions of the last century. Unlike the aesthetics of postmodernity, with their epidermic and scarcely critical condition, the times of the ecological crisis of the Capitalocene and of the transition to more sustainable societies demand a very different creativity and aesthetics (Albelda, Parreño y Marrero, 2018). This article defends the need to recover the identity and teleological role that art and aesthetics have played in the past. In this context, we will identify the foundational aspects of a circular aesthetic, and the indissoluble union with the ecological ethics from which it departs. Likewise, we will argue about the amplitude of the concept of circularity that, transcending the most known aspects linked to the recycling of materials, acquires an important moral function linked to the weak anthropocentrism, expressing the acceptance of individual fugacity, and even of culture and species, from a holistic perspective (Spier, 2011).


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How to Cite
Albelda Raga, J. L. . (2019). Circular Beauty: An approach to sustainability aesthetics for the Capitalocen. Art and Identity Policies, 20.