Precarity as a common foundation for `Networks of Subsistence ́


  • Lara García Díaz
Keywords: precarity, social reproduction, commoning, subsistence perspective, alternative forms of organitazion


The paper builds a theoretical analyses contrasting relevant literature around issues of precarity, social reproduction and practices of Commoning. By doing so, the paper raises how alternative methods of creative-social organization responding to precarity should incorporate what feminist economists’ Maria Mies and Veronika Benholdt-Thomsen has coined as `subsistence perspective ́ (1999). By drawing on Spanish architect collective Recetas Urbanas (Urban Prescriptions) and, more concretely, their role in the network Arquitecturas Colectivas (Collective Architecture), the paper proposes how a `subsistence perspective ́ could beneficiate from, what will be addressed as, a `network of subsistence ́. Taken together this text represents a first approximation on future theoretical analyses around the possibilities of decentralized organizational structures based on the Commons through a Marxist Feminist perspective of reproductive work and everyday relations.


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How to Cite
García Díaz, L. (2018). Precarity as a common foundation for `Networks of Subsistence ́. Art and Identity Policies, 19, 165–180.