Maternity, art and precarity
strategies from vulnerability
If the condition of precarity is tied to bodies as bodies, ¿how to speak of precarity from outside of the body, without being physically and materially traversed by it? ¿How to write about precarity and contemporary art from an objective position when all areas of your life are affected by it? In this article I understand precarity as a lack of protection, insecurity and vulnerability, but also as a position that generates alliances and as a place of production and theoretical enunciation.
My proposal, following the work of authors such as Butler, Ettinger, Lorey or Saldaña is that precarity and vulnerability can become spaces of resistance and enable other forms of subjectivation. Care and interdependence challenge the notions of autonomy and independence in which the political subject (white and masculine) inherited from modernity is based and open the way for forms of subjectivation that are articulated on the feminine position, and on other possible logics and sensitivities.
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