Shrinking times

Time, precariousness and shrinkage in contemporary art practices


  • Marta Labad Arias
Keywords: time, precariousness, flexibility, image, shrinkage


In the following essay I would like to suggest to think aboutdifferent ways of linking time, precariousness and shrinkage, departing from some contemporary art practices. I will begin by approaching how posfordist workers are affected by a timeshrinkage, from Black Mirror to In Time. I will continue then to unveil the affective shrinkage provoked by postfordist inertiasthrough the visual essay Dancismo (Paz Rojo with Emilio Tomé), Paralysis or Largo (Karel van Laere). The Shrinking Man oDownsizing, where a physical shrinking takes place, will help us think about the permanent uncertainty and vulnerability aroundprecarious workers. I will end by pointing at The Procrastinatorsas an alternative way of gaining back control over time.


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How to Cite
Labad Arias, M. (2018). Shrinking times: Time, precariousness and shrinkage in contemporary art practices. Art and Identity Policies, 19, 35–48.