Being a Person in the Society of Knowledge and Spectacle

Learning to live, think and communicate beyond the mirrors


  • Martín Caeiro Rodríguez Profesor Doctor de la Universidad Internacional de La Rioja. Director Departamento de Didáctica de las Artes Plásticas y Visuales de la Facultad de Educación
Keywords: Communication, Cognition, Image, Representation, Knowledge, Spectacle, Education, Art


The Knowledge Society proposes a cognitive model that seeks stable references of nature, the human being and the universe, whereas if we think about the Society of The Spectacle, there is a model that tries that as spectators we do not establish ourselves in any image offering us temporary referents, ephemeral identities that fashion, advertising and boredom make us wish constantly. In this cultural, mediatic and contradictory habitat, we try to communicate, but how do we find what can define us in the midst of so much information? How to achieve a mirror image in a metamorphic world? and, consequently: how to be a person? As we will see in this article, the face and the body are signified in the same territory of relation, and they appear the dissipation, the monstrosity, the disconnection, the discommunication and the practice of the blur as strategies of identity construction. At the end of our research we will propose six ideas and solutions for the problem of linking knowledge, entertainment and communication.



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How to Cite
Caeiro Rodríguez, M. (2018). Being a Person in the Society of Knowledge and Spectacle: Learning to live, think and communicate beyond the mirrors. Art and Identity Policies, 18(18), 159–176.