Duchamp’s Ready-Made Renovates but not Innovate

The Fontaine Urinal as Make-Ready Phantasmagoria


  • Jaume Fortuny Agramunt Departamento de Arte y Conservación-Restauración de la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Barcelona
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/reapi.336051
Keywords: Avant-garde, Originality, Innovation, Duchamp, Ready-made, Fontaine, Walter Benjamin


The author analyzes the traumatic effect of the idea of shock with which Walter Benjamin described modern life and, through the review of Buck-Mors on this sensory perspective, makes the following interpellation: if the modern technological world forms an anaesthetic system To avoid perceptual shock, how can there be a sufficiently traumatic sign-object to be considered avant-garde? The article states that the only artistic object that can deride this anaesthetic name is that which is isolated from any semantic relationship with anything else in its own manual process of realization. An object lacking approximation allusive to another form. A rhetorical option that does not allow the transfer of a style of the subject. The iconic representation totally impartial. The form that cannot exist as a representation. The text argues that the perfect duplication of the ready-made Fontaine could be and concludes that Duchamp renews but does not innovate, because the urinal remains as a make-ready phantasmagoria. 



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How to Cite
Fortuny Agramunt, J. (2018). Duchamp’s Ready-Made Renovates but not Innovate: The Fontaine Urinal as Make-Ready Phantasmagoria. Art and Identity Policies, 18(18), 147–158. https://doi.org/10.6018/reapi.336051