Oppression and Resistances from the (TV) Margins

the Case of 3% (Netflix, 2016)


  • Delicia Aguado-Peláez Aradia Coop. y Parte Hartuz (UPV/EHU)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/reapi.336031
Keywords: 3%, Cultural Studies, Fiction, Gender Studies, Oppressions, Otherness, Resistances, TV Series


This research explores the TV series 3%, the first one in being produced in Brazil, which is a dystopian thriller series where the population of the Continente survives between poverty and violence, whereas people from Mar Alto live an apparent technologic dream. A privileged life which can only be reached by the 3% of the participants of a selection process, in which twenty-years old habitants of the Continente have to complete a series of test to achieve The Other Side. In essence, a interesting production due to its thematic focus and because this narrative belongs to a non hegemonic country. Thus, using Qualitative Content Analysis and the intersectionality, this research enters into this production to understand how symbolic violence and resistances are built using these dimensions: characters and environments. In conclusion, 3% is an interesting systemic critique of the geopolitics which brings the existing inequalities into the centre of the plot, away from other hegemonic gazes.



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How to Cite
Aguado-Peláez, D. (2018). Oppression and Resistances from the (TV) Margins: the Case of 3% (Netflix, 2016). Art and Identity Policies, 18(18), 109–124. https://doi.org/10.6018/reapi.336031