The border Space and its Inscription on the Migrant Body

The Counter-Performative Operation of the Work ‘Transborder Immigrant Tool


  • Erika Cecilia Castañeda Arredondo Universidad Iberoamericana A.C.
Keywords: Migrant, body, performativity, mobility, bio/necropolitics


Transborder Immigrant Tool (TBT) is an artistic project that consists of an application for mobile phones (an app) that aims to assist undocumented immigrants in the GPS location of water stations installed in the border desert. It also includes a series of 24 poem-instructions to aid in the ecosystem survival.

This article will address the way in which TBT makes visible the condition of the border space, which is constructed and performed epistemologically to reproduce dominances that are inscribed in the bodies. I will also show how this project addresses the condition of these bodies referring to their submission under a categorical racialization, and how it proposes a resistance based on a poetic configuration, a counter-performativity that is opposed to the bio and necropolitical conditions that aggravate the displacement from one State to another.


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How to Cite
Castañeda Arredondo, E. C. (2018). The border Space and its Inscription on the Migrant Body: The Counter-Performative Operation of the Work ‘Transborder Immigrant Tool. Art and Identity Policies, 18(18), 71–86.