The tainted stories of Pedro Lemebel and Reinaldo Arenas

between “mariconaje guerrero” and new “sidentidades”


  • Massimiliano Carta Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla – Colombia
Keywords: AIDS, Reinaldo Arenas, Pedro Lemebel, Sex-textualities, sidentidades, tanatography, erotography


At the end of the last century, at the height of the health emergency due to the AIDS pandemic, numerous artistic, literary and cinematographic works have been produced about this subject. Before night fall of the Cuban Reinaldo Arenas and Loco Afán: crónicas del sidario of the Chilean Pedro Lemebel are placed within this general tendency, contributing in the international debate with an original perspective, because of their Latin American and interectional identities that, in fact, had to face personally with the North American context, very different than theirs. Both texts develop a perspective between erotography and tanatography, between life, fueled by sex and death, related to the calvary of the disease. But AIDS did not only influence the arts but, above all, identities, leading the subjects involved to think of new ways of relating in and out of the LGBTIQ (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Trans, Intersexuals, Queers) community. Ricardo Llamas called them Sidentidades.


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How to Cite
Carta, M. (2018). The tainted stories of Pedro Lemebel and Reinaldo Arenas: between “mariconaje guerrero” and new “sidentidades”. Art and Identity Policies, 17(17), 103–122.