Textual Spaces for Trauma Memory

Corporeality Dictated in Dictée


  • Ana Pol Colmenar Facultad de Bellas Artes. Universidad de Salamanca
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/317121
Keywords: Autobiography, Memory, Trauma, Exile, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Dictée


Theresa Hak Kyung Cha (1951-1982 ) published in 1981 Dictée, a textual project that explores the limits of autobiography. This incatalogable experiment especially focuses on the issues that afect writng and image as tools to develop memory. Located in the gap that certain trauma poetcs open, Cha calls into queston the implicatons of gender, ethnicity, exile and diaspora from the positon of being in-between, stressing dichotomous approaches.This work analyzes some aspects of Dictée in relaton to other autobiographical projects developed by women who queston the possibilites of writng oneself, assuming the positon of a subject who is “in-between”. The “in-between” is understood as an heterotopic space belonging to the conditons of diaspora and the culture of trauma. For Cha, dictaton works as a paradigm of a language, a culture and a memory that is imposed and afects the constructon of subjectvity. From this we consider the relatonship between writng and corporality, and the importance of voice and orality concurring in textual praxis, in discrepancy with the narratve modes of scriptural regimes.


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How to Cite
Pol Colmenar, A. (2018). Textual Spaces for Trauma Memory: Corporeality Dictated in Dictée. Art and Identity Policies, 16(16), 123–144. https://doi.org/10.6018/317121

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