Transvestites Re-Existences
A counterhistory from the visual difference in Peru
The link between nature and dehumanizaton is a modern colonial gender discourse which remains in force by the symbolic trashing and concrete who are seen as inferior, unnatural and even like animals, turned into a waste of society. One way to visualize the other as lef over element of the symbolic system. In this sense, maneuver in the feld of visuality transvestte, its conventons and stereotypes, becomes a practce of resistance while it confronts the disciplining scopic regime Eurocentric, cunningly camoufaged. But equally, of re-existence, proposing visual co-presence of diference, and thus the emergence of other identtes, forms of visibility, display and life. Through an approach that focuses on the sensitve aspect of certain cultural practces in the Peruvian politcal geo-body politcs, such as Beauty Salon, Mario Bellatn, and Travest Museum of Peru, Giuseppe Campuzano, we will try to show their mediatng role in contemporary societes, but also what to do with them to invent a rewritng of the narratves.
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