Colita in Context: Photography and Feminism during the Spanish Transition.
The work that the Catalan photographer Colita (Barcelona, 1940) did during the seventes was allied to the feminist movement, resurgent in Spain afer Franco’s death. Her photographic practces, those that made visible the most important needs of Spanish feminism during that tme, will be studied in this artcle: her work for the journal Vindicación feminista (1976 and 1979) and the photobook Antfémina (Editora Nacional, 1977), made in collaboraton with María Aurèlia Capmany. Colita’s erotc photography of these years will also be examined —a much more problematc producton in connecton with the feminist proposals of this tme. On the one hand, feminists politcized sexual pleasure but, on the other, they railed against “destape” images, because this trend objectfed the nude female body. Nevertheless, Colita’s erotc work allows a queer reading or at least presents an alternatve framework to heterosexual desire and the gaze.Downloads
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