Sexual Dissidence and Feminist Documentary Video in the 1970s
the Brazilian Filmmakers Rita Moreira and Norma Bahia Pontes Are Pioneers in Denouncing Female Oppression and Lesbian Invisibility
In this artcle I will analyze three works by flmmakers Rita Moreira and Norma Bahia Pontes, who during the 1970s decided to setle in New York. In this city, they were directly involved with the American Women Liberaton Movement, making pieces commited to feminist militancy. In these productons, Moreira and Bahia Pontes reveal the homophobia, the stereotypes of beauty and the gender norms imposed on women. Their documentaries set precedent on the issue of lesbian visibility within the New York movement and within feminist movements in general and Brazilian feminism in partcular. Also, these works are pioneers in the feld of the cuir art. Back in Brazil, at the end of the 1970s, they contnued with works of feminist commitment, generatng references for the historiography of the independent documentary video of the Southern Cone.
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