Strategic Resistance to the Masculine Femininity in Apps of Socio/ Sexual Encounter between Males

“Sissy Boys to other Side”


  • Iván Gómez Beltrán Universidad de Oviedo
Keywords: Masculinity, Resistance, Feminism, LGBT, Sissy, Effeminate.


Throughout the text will explore some of the mechanisms that are deployed in the (re)production of the normative alignment of sex/gender/sexuality, in what a fiction of “should be” is sanctioned. It is essential to reveal the function of the gender grammar that operates in the configuration of masculinity and in the rejection of femininity in these virtual spaces. Using the information presented in the individual profiles, it will be possible to deepen the construction of masculinity in male homosexuals as well as the limitation of femininity in the public/private space as a constant tension, essential for the construction of identity. In this sense, it will be mentioned some of the resistance strategies – as adaptations- to the contemporary fluidity of masculine, that is, devices that are built around the consideration of emasculation provoked for the constitution of an effeminate subject.



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How to Cite
Gómez Beltrán I. (2017). Strategic Resistance to the Masculine Femininity in Apps of Socio/ Sexual Encounter between Males: “Sissy Boys to other Side”. Art and Identity Policies, 15(15), 137–154.

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