Appear, Exist

New Visual Narratives on Subjectivity


  • Yera Moreno Sainz-Ezquerra Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Subject, Identity, Agency, Performativity, Constitutive Outside.


This article explores the relationships beetwen the philosophical theory and feminist and queer artistic practices regarding the production of subjectivity from an anti-essentialist perspective. To that end we work with two authors, Chantal Mouffe and Judith Butler, and some of their main proposals as the notion of constitutive outside or the idea of a “body ontology as a social ontology”. Based on these theoretical proposals we proceed to analyse various artistic practices wich provide new models of counter-hegemonic subjects, bodies and identities around we articulate our own subjectivity. Art will show as an exceptional field for social transformation because produces new imaginaries that reconfigure the real.


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How to Cite
Sainz-Ezquerra, Y. M. (2017). Appear, Exist: New Visual Narratives on Subjectivity. Art and Identity Policies, 15(15), 73–90.