Performance of Teaching

an Holistic, Identity Related and Generational Approach


  • Imanol Legarda Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU.
  • Ainhoa Juan Goikoetxea Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU.
Keywords: Education, ICT, Visual Culture, Identity, 21st Century Teaching, Digital Gap, Critical Pedagogy.


After studying the role of the ICT in Education (Legarda) and the Visual Culture in the identity of the teachers (De Juan), this article approaches both issues from a holistic, identity related and generational perspective. From the theoretical review, the new educational context is analyzed, the Web Society, focusing on the Digital Gap and the potential of the ICT to deal with the challenges of the 21st century, where the School as an institution will change. The analysis deepens in the visual characteristics of the technology and in it’s effect on the identity formation in the Visual Culture Society.


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How to Cite
Legarda, I., & Juan Goikoetxea, A. (2016). Performance of Teaching: an Holistic, Identity Related and Generational Approach. Art and Identity Policies, 14(14), 97–108.