From Worries and Artistic Creation, to Reflections from Non Formal Educational Practices


  • Maria Altuna Lizarraga Doctoranda de la Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU.
  • Regina Guerra Guezuraga Doctoranda de la Universidad del País Vasco.
Keywords: Experiences, Teacher Identities, Teacher Practices, Narrative Inquiry, Creation, Knowledge.


This article aims to show the reflections of the authors about their own teaching practice. The road that run from concern and artistic creation, through education (as students and nonacademic teachers) to its phases as researchers in arts education.
The authors want to visualize moments of tension and difficulties they have had to spend in their educational practices, but also the knowledge they have generated through these experiences that serve to create a hybrid identity where they can question their own practice in relation to art. To shape and to analyze in depth the experiences, they will be listed in the three phases Paul Klee (1979) used to describe the process of creation, which are appropriated to make sense of the learning process of the teaching practice.
Therefore, the article will present a dialogic character, since reflections are represented by way of cross talk between the authors, in order to show the realities surrounding the non academic art education.


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How to Cite
Altuna Lizarraga, M., & Guerra Guezuraga, R. (2016). From Worries and Artistic Creation, to Reflections from Non Formal Educational Practices. Art and Identity Policies, 14(14), 41–51.