Migrating Cinema: Transnationality in Dominican Cinematography.


  • Aitor Iturriza Mendía Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)
  • Raisa Pimentel Mendoza Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/250971
Keywords: Dominican Cinema, Transnationality, Migrants, Migration.


This paper proposes a review of categories of transnationality from Deborah Shaw, Andrew Higson and Mette Hjort to analyze the evolution of Dominican cinema and set the dynamics by which national films have surpassed the context of the local to coexist with aspects that affect “national”. The study focuses on film production about migration, particularly two films –Un pasaje de ida (1988) and Nueba Yol (1995)- and aims to establish a new point of view about transnational features on Dominican films.


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How to Cite
Iturriza Mendía A., & Pimentel Mendoza, R. (2016). Migrating Cinema: Transnationality in Dominican Cinematography. Art and Identity Policies, 13(13), 197–214. https://doi.org/10.6018/250971