Art and Politics in Cuba: Between Silence and Whisper. Art as a Place of Action and Repoliticization of Live.


  • Anaeli Ibarra Cáceres UNAM
Keywords: Art and Politics, Citizenship, Art Activism, Performance, Socialism.


This article seeks to investigate the relationship between art and politics in Cuba in the context of a shift of perspective in the country ́s politics. The years between 2006 and 2014 mark an interesting period in Cuban history. Firstly, because of the transition in the rule of the country. Secondly, from that transition a series of changes that indicate a turning point in the socialist approach begin taking place. El susurro de Tatlin (2014) is a performance by Tania Bruguera that draws a parable of Cuban socialism in the Twenty-First century, posing some questions: “where are we going?”, “is there any place to go?”, “How to get there?” And, especially, how to get to that point after retracing part of the way; to the confirmation of an imminent gravitation towards the North.


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How to Cite
Ibarra Cáceres A. (2016). Art and Politics in Cuba: Between Silence and Whisper. Art as a Place of Action and Repoliticization of Live. Art and Identity Policies, 13(13), 115–130.