Intersections Between Gender and Race in the Representations of the Dominican Contemporary Art.
The strong Catholic tradition, crisis in public education system, the stratification of society, machismo, violence, superstition, poverty, racism and border conflicts with Haiti, migration and diasporic communities in New York and Europe, are factors which in combination have transformed Afrodescendant Women a heroic figure between fragility and resistance in Domincan contemporary society. It is risky to speak of contemporary Dominican art in terms of an Afrodescendant political movement or feminist agency. However, different artists explore aesthetic and social areas focused on the politics of difference in Dominican society today; as well as on the historical definitions of the “Dominican” identity that have placed the Afrodescendant voices and the representations from the African diaspora on a subaltern position. This article examines the enunciation place from different artistic practices that interrogate the Colonial-Modern Gender System as a means of articulating a performativity that questions the essentialism on the identity idea through representations of race, class, gender and sexuality.Downloads
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