Revitalizing Public Space from Communication and Creative Neomedial Practice: New Languages for Dialogue Between the Citizen and the Urban Environment


  • Francisco Felip Miralles Universitat Jaume I. Castellón de la Plana.
  • Julia Galán Serrano Universitat Jaume I. Castellón de la Plana.
Keywords: Hybrid city, public space, media façade, metaphorical resources, urban interface


The modern city is built, developed and practiced from communication, and language, key in the formation of thought, culture and identities, evolves in society. We should therefore consider the ability of new languages emerging from the integration of new technologies in the urban environment to propose a new type of communication with the city to revitalize its different spaces.
This article describes the different types of public spaces from which citizens determine their relationship with the city. Similarly, we study how the creative incorporation of ICTs in the most usual elements of these places helps to perceive them as relationship urban spaces, experienced by the citizens through interaction, identifying clues that help us to better understand communication in the city and its relationship with the emergence of a hybrid city. From the analysis of significant creative contributions of the last decade different languages and types of communication that occur in the city are identified, reflecting on trends and scenarios relevant to the fields of art and design, aimed at strengthening the concept of a practiced city that aims to revitalize the various urban spaces.


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How to Cite
Felip Miralles, F., & Galán Serrano J. (2015). Revitalizing Public Space from Communication and Creative Neomedial Practice: New Languages for Dialogue Between the Citizen and the Urban Environment. Art and Identity Policies, 12, 63–82.