Urban Interaction Design: Convergence of Discipline Towards a New Way of City-Making


  • Manu Fernández González Human Scale City, Bilbao, España
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/236051
Keywords: Urban media, smart cities, digital technologies, urban planning, activism


In a time of crisis in traditional urban policies and the generalization of a complex digital infrastructure in the networked society, the role of citizens stands as a crucial debate. While certain discourses are presented as irreversible and unequivocal on this relationship between urban living and technology, the article discusses the possibility of building alternative discourses from different urban interaction design practices that are converging in urban spaces are spaces for city-making and civic engagement.


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How to Cite
Fernández González M. (2015). Urban Interaction Design: Convergence of Discipline Towards a New Way of City-Making. Art and Identity Policies, 12, 31–48. https://doi.org/10.6018/236051