Earthbeat: Environmental Art to Balance Our Rhythm


  • Mª Isabel Soler Ruiz Facultad de Bellas Artes, Granada
  • Pilar Soto Sánchez Facultad de Bellas Artes, Granada
Keywords: Art, ecologism, sustainability, action, site-especific


From our origins, the human being has respected his natural surroundings for his own survival. Unless certain cultures, who still survive into their original environment, we have been distanced from the heartbeat of the earth (earthbeat). Art, as any ecological action, can help us to become aware.
Since the late nineteenth century, until the mid-sixties ecological movements have been developed in defense of the natural spaces and sustainable actions within the urban environment. We research collective actions that reforest brownfields and create urban gardens and individual actions that use a visual language to induce in the viewer a new experience and contact with the ground.


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How to Cite
Soler Ruiz, M. I., & Soto Sánchez P. (2014). Earthbeat: Environmental Art to Balance Our Rhythm. Art and Identity Policies, 10, 321–336. Retrieved from