Collaborative Art Experiencies: Transductive Styles in Transitional Urban Landscapes


  • Antonio Collados Alcaide Universidad de Granada
  • David Arredondo Garrido Universidad de Granada
Keywords: Public art, collaborative art, transitional landscape, urban intervention, cultural ecology


Urban art projects where environmental awareness is present can be considered as the result of a conceptual evolution that took his key point during the 60’s and 70’s of the last century. After the Second World War some movements arose demanding a change in the fierce economic development of that time. Against the uncontrolled human impact on nature, several authors produced new ideas that guided a period when environmental concern was already present.
This article will attempt to create a framework in order to explain how current collaborative art practices are creating a new ecological culture in our cities. These practices can be understood as open working environments where various disciplinary and social groups join together. Guided by a common interest they try to improve the relationship between the community and its environment. Therefore they develop “transductive styles” that let them manage transitory landscapes.


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How to Cite
Collados Alcaide, A., & Arredondo Garrido, D. (2014). Collaborative Art Experiencies: Transductive Styles in Transitional Urban Landscapes. Art and Identity Policies, 10, 55–72. Retrieved from