Ecological Art Practices: a State of the Art


  • Belén Romero Caballero Universidad de Valencia
Keywords: Contemporary art practices, nature-culture, ecology, criticism, sustainability


For two decades we are attending the rise of social, economic, political and identity conflicts, issues involving dichotomous relationships established between nature and culture. These issues have been discussed both politically and epistemologically from different disciplinary fields of knowledge and processes. In this sense, artistic practice has shown a particularly active role. Due to the proliferation, diversity and importance of their contributions, the purpose of this article is to develop a state of affairs that shows the terms in which, from the sixties, certain artistic practices coincide contain the concept of ecology as a constant feature, in order that models of “development” alternative to the modern paradigm, based on different value systems and knowledge, begin to gain more strength socially.


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How to Cite
Romero Caballero, B. (2014). Ecological Art Practices: a State of the Art. Art and Identity Policies, 10, 11–34. Retrieved from