Application of Computer Vision Techniques in Audiovisual.


  • David Sanz Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
  • Francisco Javier Sanmartín Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
Keywords: Computer Vision, Experimental cinema, installation art, interactive art, Vjing.


In this case study about audiovisual language innovative computer vision, are used to search for other artistic applications of cinematographic resources, both in the acquisition and the editing. Proposed here is that the tools and computer vision techniques can be used to generate new audiovisual languages in the field of interactive cinema. To prove this, a number of consecutive steps were taken, that have allowed to lead a progressive research based on a study of artistic references. From this study we have synthesized a number of key concepts identified both in the artistic pieces and in the critical debates referenced. With these concepts, a series of experiments have been conducted prior to the development of the prototypes finally integrated into the system exposed to the public after completion. A number of conclusions have been extracted as evaluation of the overall results of the study. As a result: firstly, certain relationships between sound and image were obtained, that are unique in the use of resources such as the change-rate level, the sound-image interdependence; and secondly, it has been demonstrated that partially depositing creative responsibility of audiovisual on an automatic device can provide new aesthetic experiences to the viewer.


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How to Cite
Sanz, D., & Sanmartín, F. J. (2013). Application of Computer Vision Techniques in Audiovisual. Art and Identity Policies, 9, 197–207. Retrieved from