Multimedia and Archive Culture: The Influence of Footage in Multimedia Creation.


  • Juan Andrés Crego Morán Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Keywords: Multimedia, files, mashups, found footage, internet.


Multimedia contents are now being comprised in files of an almost unimaginable extension, which can be endlessly reused to create new multimedia content, in a feedback process. The first film libraries appeared in the 1930s, together with the first works based on ‘found footage’ techniques, a term that appeared almost half a century later. There is not a process break between Joseph Cornell’s films in the mid 1930s, and the popular mashups of the interview fragment to Bruce Lee (“Be water, my friend”), as can be seen on YouTube. There is the continuity of a process, or more precisely, the continuity of an idea that changes from being accepted by a minority to be accepted as normal by the majority of users.


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How to Cite
Crego Morán J. A. (2013). Multimedia and Archive Culture: The Influence of Footage in Multimedia Creation. Art and Identity Policies, 9, 179–196. Retrieved from