Locative Media, Narrative and the City: Aproach to a Genre Theory in Location Based Storytelling Through the Analyse of Four Projects.


  • Clara Boj Universidad de Murcia
  • Diego Díaz Universitat Jaume I, Castellón
Keywords: Locative media art, location based storytelling, gps stories, film gender, locative media art.


A new form of creative production has emerged from recent developments in locative media: location based storytelling. In this text we explore these narratives and identify several tools to analyze them. Through the study of four personal projects that use this format we introduce an approach to different genres categories in location based storytelling.


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Paraskevopoulou, O.; Charitos, D.; Rizopoulos, C. (2008). Prácticas aristícas basadas en la localización que desafían la noción tradicional de cartografía. En Artnodes 8, Locative media y práctica artística: exploraciones sobre el terreno, 6-15 [nodo en línea] [Fecha de consulta: 9/12/13]. http://www.uoc.edu/artnodes/8/dt/esp/paraskevopoulou_charitos_rizopoulos.pdf

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How to Cite
Boj, C., & Díaz D. (2013). Locative Media, Narrative and the City: Aproach to a Genre Theory in Location Based Storytelling Through the Analyse of Four Projects. Art and Identity Policies, 9, 129–147. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/reapi/article/view/191871