Ubiquitous Narrative: Do it Yourself: D.A.N.T.E. Multiple Writing Machine.


  • Blanca Montalvo Facultad de Bellas Artes de Málaga.
Keywords: Art, multimedia, narration, interactivity, emergency, participation.


The proposal of this research examines the contemporary narrative from the point of view of the arts, and design an engine that will help to realize these new stories: D.A.N.T.E.: Device Independent with Expanded Time Storytelling is a chimera that, as with the camera photo, tries to democratize the complex network of audiovisual narratives. In the complex web of thaumaturgy digital video, current crisis may be the prelude to a new era where mass participation built a new language. We’ll see what wonders the future holds.


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How to Cite
Montalvo, B. (2013). Ubiquitous Narrative: Do it Yourself: D.A.N.T.E. Multiple Writing Machine. Art and Identity Policies, 9, 113–128. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/reapi/article/view/191861