Mehr Licht!: The Management of the Unexplainable: Lights and Shadows of Transdisciplinary and Techno-Artistical Practices.


  • Augusto Zubiaga Garate Universidad del País Vasco
  • Lourdes Cilleruelo Gutiérrez Universidad del País Vasco
  • Karla Tobar Abarca UPV/EHU
Keywords: Transdisciplinary practices, intuition/reason, creative processes, art education, DIY, Robotics BEAM, recycling.


An interdisciplinary group of researchers of the UPV/EHU is working on a line of research from which we try to contribute elements that can provide theoretical reflection and the implementation of transdisciplinary proposals. Interdisciplinary practices by definition, and moreover those that involve techno-artistic spaces, encompass such a vast field of possibilities that it is necessary to have an orientation guide born from an inner need (Kandinsky, 1992). For this reason, the contributions that can be made will always be very partial and subjective, and the unity of reason will only be able to emerge from the multiplicity of their voices (Habermas, 1988).
But the harmonic addition of subjectivities will only be possible when each one is capable of articulating its story. What this story is, must be something that everyone must discover on its own. In this article, we examine the issues raised around a concrete transdisciplinary proposal that has to do with the development of a techno-aesthetic network in the field of network ́s connectionism and the BEAM robotics, –a theoretical device that will knit together different human, technical and material instances–, a partial example whose aspiration would be to become one among many others.


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How to Cite
Zubiaga Garate, A., Cilleruelo Gutiérrez L., & Tobar Abarca, K. (2013). Mehr Licht!: The Management of the Unexplainable: Lights and Shadows of Transdisciplinary and Techno-Artistical Practices. Art and Identity Policies, 9, 37–48. Retrieved from