The Chill: Body and Image in Andrés Duque’s Cinema.


  • Cloe Masotta Lijtmaer
Keywords: Andrés Duque, Iván Zulueta, chill, body, avantgarde, figure.


The starting point and the theoretical axis of the text is the chill, an emotion that goes through the body of the viewer, but also of the image. This notion is related to various approaches to the nature of vision and the visible developed by such theoreticians as Rossalind Krauss and Jacques Lacan, but also refers to a concept forged by Raymond Bellour: the shudder. From these theoretical contributions the chill can be thought of as a footprint in the image, but also as an emotion of the beholder, which connects this viewer with the image through a relationship of desire. Using this formulation of the chill, we will regard Andrés Duque’s cinema as an epidermal screen—an image guided by an emotional, non-representational, logic. Additional concepts to be explored throughout are the image conceived as an hypnotic device, the representation of the body, its shadow and its fading image, and the figure and disfigurement of faces in Duque’s cinema.


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How to Cite
Masotta Lijtmaer, C. (2013). The Chill: Body and Image in Andrés Duque’s Cinema. Art and Identity Policies, 8, 95–114. Retrieved from