Observatory of the Urban Transformation of the Sound: The City like Text, Drifts, Maps and Sonorous Cartography.


  • Josep Cerdà Universitat de Barcelona
Keywords: Sound Art, Sound Mapping, Soundscapes


Sound Mapping: Observatory of Urban Transformation of Sound. Artistic space is a sound composition and a reflection of structural changes in the city. The studies on soundscape, are defined by sound traces of mobility that make up the identity of each place and the sound memory of its inhabitants. Social mapping represents visible and invisible fluxes. It is a map of experimentation and interpretation of an everyday reality which operates within global and local spheres simultaneously. The information reflected is multi-layered and contains a hidden frame of relationships that shape the social reality. Decode sound information of the city as a mutable, superimposed and disseminated entity, to study urban sound layers, using sound mapping of urban spaces and areas sensitive to urban transformation, and to identify their components. The conclusions apply aspects of the organizational ability of art, through strategies of observing and perceiving reality.


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How to Cite
Cerdà, J. (2012). Observatory of the Urban Transformation of the Sound: The City like Text, Drifts, Maps and Sonorous Cartography. Art and Identity Policies, 7, 143–162. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/reapi/article/view/174011

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