Cities, like People, Can Be Recognized by Their Walk: Origins of Urban Sound Installations in the Frame of Urbanism and Sociology of the 1960’s


  • María Andueza Olmedo Konstfack University (Estocolmo, Suecia) y Universidad Internacional de La Rioja
Keywords: City, Sound Installation, Henri Lefebvre, Temporality, Kevin Lynch, Situationist International, Happening, Max Neuhaus


This paper shows a fragment of the PhD dissertation Art, Sound and City. A context for urban sound installations (2010) developed by the author at the Complutense University of Madrid. It presents a frame for the study of sound installations in relationship to different approaches to the city by artists and urban theoreticians. The paper deals with the significance of temporality in mid XXth Century in some artistic manifestations (Situationist International, Happenings) as well as in Sociology and Urbanism (Henri Lefebvre, Kevin Lynch) to point at the beginning in that moment of urban sound installations by the hand of Max Neuhaus.


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How to Cite
Andueza Olmedo, M. (2012). Cities, like People, Can Be Recognized by Their Walk: Origins of Urban Sound Installations in the Frame of Urbanism and Sociology of the 1960’s. Art and Identity Policies, 7, 127–142. Retrieved from