Picking Up, Recording and Transmitting Confessions Through Accoustic Devices.


  • Juan Antonio Cerezuela Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Keywords: Confession, Microphone, Answering machine, Phone, Booth


The present paper tries to analyse a series of sound art pieces that emphasise the oral confession of intimate information through devices that pick up, record and transmit voice. Following this line of thought, the article is divided in three parts: the use of devices that pick up the voice, the use of devices that record the voice and finally the use of devices that transmit the confessing voice. An analysis is proposed for works by different artists who emphasize any of these aspects in their work.


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How to Cite
Antonio Cerezuela, J. (2012). Picking Up, Recording and Transmitting Confessions Through Accoustic Devices. Art and Identity Policies, 7, 93–106. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/reapi/article/view/173981