Taquigrafonías: La máquina de escribir en el cambio del imaginario laboral femenino y como expresión sonora de la memoria colectiva.
This article resumes a part of an investigation in the Master of Visual Arts and Multimedia, with the title “Taquigrafonias : poetic sound for the typewriter, Recovery of Pioneers Works in Sound Art from the History of Spanish Avant-Garde and the Review of its Current Influence”, financed by the Secretary of State in Research, Ministry of Science and Innovation. [Proyecto Ref. HAR2008-04687/ARTE]. In this article we attempt to highlight the use and the impact of the typewriter in today’s society, while analyzing the changes of the modern imagination and it’s influence on the construction of sound memory, collectively and personaly.
Throughout the text, we present the social impact generated by this device that was introduced in both working and private life of people, focusing on the entry of women into the labor market of the office work. In the second part of the work, we explore the influence of the typewriter in art, focusing on research works that evoke the emotional memory through its sound qualities.
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