Baroque Outrage through the Art Practice of Jessica Harrison and Shary Boyle


  • Lorena Amorós Blasco Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Woman, allegory, representation, identity, violence


Based on the Benjaminian postmodern notion that takes notice of the eternal recurrence of a Baroque period that never stops disseminating itself in a contemporary art context, and without a doubt, extensible nowadays with social dramatic inflections, this article tries to make women artists like Jessica Harrison and Shary Boyle visible with a denounce discourse against totalitarian regimes and/or gender violence, committing the individual with the intention of the art piece, making us reflect on these important matters and suggesting several solutions to help them disappear. Our investigation will be done through the perspective of content analysis. We will insist in Walter Benjamin’s reflections (1892-1940) that appear in his work The Origin of German Tragic Drama, as in the critical studies taken place around critical feminist studies.


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How to Cite
Amorós Blasco, L. (2012). Baroque Outrage through the Art Practice of Jessica Harrison and Shary Boyle. Art and Identity Policies, 6, 99–111. Retrieved from