Silence as a Form of Violence: Art History and Women


  • Rosalía Torrent Esclapés Universitat Jaume I de Castellón
Keywords: Art, feminism, woman, silence, violence


Violence against women becomes evident in many ways. For this paper we have chosen to reflect on that form of violence that involves silencing or minimizing their findings, in this case in the creative realm. Against this silence, women have answered individually with irony, and collectively with sisterhood. There were not many other ways to face up to this kind of violence based on their cancellation as human beings. With the development of feminist art they also replied raising their voices. In any case, we have chosen, from creations related to feminism, those where silence is also broken with silence.


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How to Cite
Torrent Esclapés, R. (2012). Silence as a Form of Violence: Art History and Women. Art and Identity Policies, 6, 199–213. Retrieved from