Art and Technology Against Gender Violence: [ACVG]


  • Mau Monleón Pradas Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Keywords: Art, resistance, women, feminist tradition, fight, technological networks


Art has been aligned together with the technologies in a feminist tradition which includes the fight against the gender violence from the sixties to the present day. Nowadays it is fundamental bear these props in mind in the organization of networks, as well as of cultural actions that realize of the load of symbolic, structural, direct and indirect violence (physical and psychological) that lies under the feminine subjectivity to gather the experience of these previous works and to organize interconnections between Universities, Networks and specialists in the topic, to systematize an action that is current, actualizable and accessibly to different investigators and to the institutions. The fact of focusing our action on the use of the new technologies will allow us to form precise aims as for diffusion and scope of the Platform ACVG


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Villaplana, V. y Sichel, B. (Eds.) (2005). Carcel de amor. Relatos culturales en torno a la violencia de género. Madrid:Departamento de Audiovisuales del MNCARS.

Ballester Buigues, I. (2010). El compromiso político de las artistas con su tiempo: memoria y resistencia. Comunicación presentada en el Congreso Internacional Mujer Arte y Tecnología en la Nueva Esfera Pública, CIMUAT 2010, Valencia, UPV.

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Boix, Montserrat (2006, junio/diciembre). Hackeando el patriarcado en la lucha contra la violencia hacia las mujeres. Filosofía y práctica de mujeres en red desde el ciberfeminismo social, Labrys, études féministes. Recuperado de

Lacy, Suzanne. (1995), Mapping the Terrain: New Genre Public Art. Seattle: Bay Press.

Manifiesto de la Zorra Mutante.

Navarrete, A. (2005). Performance feminista sobre la violencia de género. Este funeral es por muchas muertas. En V. Villaplana y B. Sichel (Eds.), Carcel de amor. Relatos culturales en torno a la violencia de género (pp. 247-266). Madrid: Departamento de Audiovisuales del MNCARS.

Simón Rodríguez, M. E. (2009). Hijas de la igualdad, herederas de injusticias. Madrid: Narcea.

How to Cite
Monleón Pradas, M. (2012). Art and Technology Against Gender Violence: [ACVG]. Art and Identity Policies, 6, 177–194. Retrieved from