A Decade of Feminicides in Spain: An Aproach Through the Information Visualisation Via AREA


  • Núria Vergés Bosch Universitat de Barcelona
Keywords: Feminicide, violence against women, information visualization, free software, interactivity


Violence against women is one of the main threats that women face in our societies. Feminicide involves death and thus constitutes the ultimate and irreversible form of this violence. This article shows the feminicides in the Spanish State in the last decade. These become visible through the on-line interactive tool AREA. These vizualisations seek to promote the analysis and social and political awareness of violence against women. Thus, cases of feminicide can be displayed in pictograms in a simple, accessible, but disturbing manner. The results show that in the past decade feminicides did not stop. Each week, about two women have been murdered by a man very close to them. Thus results in fatal consequences for women, but for their children and the society as a whole as well.


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How to Cite
Vergés Bosch, N. (2012). A Decade of Feminicides in Spain: An Aproach Through the Information Visualisation Via AREA. Art and Identity Policies, 6, 145–159. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/reapi/article/view/162961