Leonora Carrington and her Memoirs: An Experience of Violence and Madness


  • Mª Juncal Caballero Guiral Universitat Jaume I
Keywords: Carrington, madness, surrealism, violence, biography


Down below is a diary, a journey through the mind of Leonora Carrington, who becomes a therapeutic catharsis. Her nervous breakdown, as a result of the hostile world around her, will be condensed and narrated in a short time, five days, by the English artist. The narrated episodes offer a fuzzy border between reality and fiction that, very often, hinders the work of analysis. The thread of time, safe in the early days of her narrative, despite her lack of sanity, breaks down as the description goes on. But that is, also, a denunciation of the violence exerted on women and, in this case, on a woman who, after suffering a nervous breakdown, is in a weak position in front of her family and the society of her time.


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How to Cite
Caballero Guiral, M. J. (2012). Leonora Carrington and her Memoirs: An Experience of Violence and Madness. Art and Identity Policies, 6, 117–132. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/reapi/article/view/162941